Tubi pluviali in ghisa

Tubi pluviali in ghisa
Offriamo una vasta gamma di tubi pluviali in ghisa i quali possono essere personalizzati secondo le tue esigenze e necessità.
Ogni tubo pluviale in ghisa è predisposto per giunzione continua tramite bicchieratura in ghisa grigia.
Tubi pluviali in ghisa senza bicchiere sono certificati secondo le norme EN 877 e DIN 19522.
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  • Rapporto diretto con il produttore senza intermediari
  • Produzione Europea
  • Miglior rapporto qualità/prezzo
  • Ampia varietà di modelli
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  • Supporto in lingua italiana
  • Personalizzazione OEM
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Tubi pluviali in ghisa

Scopri i dettagli tecnici di seguito elencati.

Con bicchiere

Single-flared straight connection pipes for sewage

Single-flared straight connection pipes for sewage

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Double-flares for sewage

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Type F rainwater pipes

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Type W ventilated pipes

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Sanitation Knee

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Odsadzki kanalizazyjne

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Sanitation Bows

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Three-way pipes for sewage systems

Three-way pipes for sewage systems

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Flat plane four way-way piece for sewage system

Flat plane four way-way piece for sewage system

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Stormwater pampers hand-operated

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Stormwater pampers single-level automatic dampers

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Stormwater pampers two-level dampers

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Sewage pipe plugs

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Type B joiner

Type B joiner

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Toilet water-seal

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Senza bicchiere

Non-fared straight connection pipes for sewage systems

Non-fared straight connection pipes for sewage systems

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Non-fared supporting pipes

Non-fared supporting pipes

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Non-flared cams for sewer systems

Non-flared cams for sewer systems

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88° elbow with a 250mm flow slowdown section

88° elbow with a 250mm flow slowdown section

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Non-flared three-way pipes for sewage systems

Non-flared three-way pipes for sewage systems

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Non-flared four-way pipes for sewage systems

Non-flared four-way pipes for sewage systems

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Non-flared cleanouts soil pipes with round openings

Non-flared cleanouts soil pipes with round openings

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Non-flared cleanouts for soil pipes house-drains with rectangular openings

Non-flared cleanouts for soil pipes house-drains with rectangular openings

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Non-flared mountings

Non-flared mountings

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Reducers plain-end

Reducers plain-end

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Plugs for pipes plain-end

Plugs for pipes plain-end

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